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Suchergebnisse für: "Post-oil urbanism in the Gulf"

Drug-Drug Interactions in the Hospital

Drug-Drug Interactions in the Hospital

- ISBN: 978-3-8381-0462-1

The Role of CLCA2 in Tumourigenesis

Functional Characterisation of Calcium-Activated Chloride Channel 2 (CLCA2) in Human Tumour Cells

- ISBN: 978-3-8381-1200-8

The Gravity Equation in International Trade

Interdependency between Trade Costs and International Trade Flows

- ISBN: 978-3-8381-1729-4

Intercultural Communication in the Advertising Industry

How communities of practice enable organisational learning and knowledge sharing processes across cultures

- ISBN: 978-3-8381-0333-4

The conservation biology of the leopard (Panthera pardus) in Gabon

Status, threats and strategies for conservation

- ISBN: 978-3-8381-1158-2

The CO2 Allowance Price in the European Emissions Trading Scheme

An Empirical, Experimental, and Theoretical Study

- ISBN: 978-3-8381-0553-6

The TiO2/Dye/Electrolyte-Interface in the Dye Sensitized Solar Cell

A Synchrotron Induced Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study

- ISBN: 978-3-8381-0742-4